SSYP Senior Retreat

By Dede Evans, MPF College and Career Fellow, 2022-2023

St. Stephen’s annual senior retreat took place from November 18th to the 20th with seven seniors traveling out to Wareham, MA with our staff for college workshops and relationship building. The weekend include four workshops ranging from navigating roommate conflict, to the Enneagram Personality Test, to how to utilize college for their own benefit. Seniors also used this time to bond with each other through board games, and even going out into the community of Wareham to do some bowling together.

This retreat allowed many of the teens to unwind and leave the stress of college prep, school, and work responsibilities in the city of Boston. At the end, seniors left this retreat with new skills in their pockets for the next chapter in their life, but many of them are still enjoying themselves before turning that page in their books.