SSYP's 3rd Annual Senior Retreat

By Jasmine Bruner, College and Career Program Coordinator

Last Friday, thirteen high school seniors from St. Stephen’s Youth Program packed into a van ready for a full weekend for SSYP’s third annual senior retreat, lead by a team of SSYP staff. We arrived in Naples, Maine and settled into our lakeside cabin for the weekend. After eating dinner we jumped into our first workshop, focused on closure and reflecting on the last four years of their high school experience. It was a time to reminisce about the highs and lows of their high school careers and bond over similar shared experiences. 

The next morning the teens started the day by cooking and eating breakfast together. Following breakfast, they participated in a workshop centered around discovering what they are passionate about, and how that could be applied to college majors and careers. A large part of our conversations consisted of talking about what injustices in the world move them, and what their role can be in creating change for the next generation. Some of the issues our seniors are passionate about include topics such as climate change, the education system, and systemic racism. We discussed how their passions and interests in business, sports management, athletic training, education, and engineering can be used to combat the injustices they see and experience every day. 

We spent the early afternoon, exploring outside in one of Maine’s state parks. It was a great experience to spend time in nature and see some amazing views of Maine. The seniors really enjoyed being out of Boston and experiencing a new place. After our outdoor adventure, staff took time to share about their college experiences and then the seniors worked on their own college lists. Taking into account finances, school size, location, programs offered, and extracurricular activities they walked away with a list of schools to consider and some even began sending in their applications. There was also time to work on college application essays and research application deadlines. This workshop helped students feel more prepared and allowed them to walk away with a better sense of direction for the rest of their senior year and beyond. 

After all the hard work from the day, we had a great time decompressing from the stress of senior year and hanging out together. We played music, had ping pong tournaments, played games, and watched movies. Our final workshop focused on the social and emotional challenges that college brings and the importance of self-care. This was a valuable time to check in about how they were currently feeling, what their concerns about the future were, and share ways to take care of yourself. We ended our night with relaxing face masks, more ping pong, and a fire, with s’mores of course. The next morning, everyone was sad to leave but felt more relaxed and prepared for the next chapter!

Jasmine recently graduated with a bachelor's degree in psychology from Concordia University in Portland, Oregon. She is serving at SSYP this year as a Mass Promise Fellow. Jasmine is enthusiastic about empowering young people to develop their passions and be confident in who they are.